
Lighttable amazon
Lighttable amazon

lighttable amazon
  1. #Lighttable amazon how to
  2. #Lighttable amazon install
  3. #Lighttable amazon code

The command pane is your one stop shop to figure out if Light Table can do something. The connect tab also allows you to explicitly add a connection to a client, by presenting a list of all the available client type for you to select one from. Clients associated with the currently active editor will appear highlighted. You might do the latter when you want to change the context in which you eval something, for example. This list allows you to disconnect a client, which often kills the process it is associated to, or unset a client associated to an editor. To open it, use the Connections item in the View menu or the Connect: Show connect bar command. The connect pane shows you a list of currently connected “clients” that can be used for doing language operations like eval. This allows you to type “mcf” to match “my-cool-file” and so on, dramatically increasing efficiency of filter operations. All filter lists inside of Light Table use a form of sequential partial substring matching, which is a fancy way of saying that you can type letters and as long as those letters appear in order in one of the list items it will be considered a match. The navigate tab is a “filter list” where typing in the top input will filter the results down to those that match what you’ve typed. Opening it is bound to Cmd/Ctrl+O by default. Once you have files and folders in your workspace, the navigate pane provides the quickest way to open a file by name. When you open a new window of Light Table, you’ll be given a new blank workspace - if you want to switch to a recently used one, click the recent button and select one of your old workspaces from the list.

lighttable amazon

Once you have items in your workspace, you can use the right-click context menu to do the standard file actions you would expect (rename, delete, new file, etc) as well as remove them from the workspace if you no longer want them there. You can then add files or folders to the workspace using the buttons at the top. To open the workspace tree, click the Workspace item in the view menu. The workspace tree allows you to instead add files and folders into a file explorer that you can then use to open/rename/delete/etc the files you’re interested in. Opening each file individually through the native open dialogs isn’t very efficient.

#Lighttable amazon how to

#With the workspace tree (or how to open files)

  • You’ll see the graph embedded below your expression.
  • Over an expression that will return a graph, press Cmd/Ctrl+Enter.
  • #Lighttable amazon install

    Follow these instructions to install IPython (note: it must IPython 1.0 or greater and you must install pyzmq as well in order for it to work with Light Table.).If you want to use Light Table to do matplotlib/pylab graphs and such, you’ll want to install the IPython kernel: Allow Light Table a few seconds while it connects to a python process.

    #Lighttable amazon code

    While over some code press Cmd/Ctrl+Enter.Getting started with Python is as simple as: css file will inject the css into the page. Select the webpage name from the available clients popup.

    lighttable amazon

    To eval an inner block, select and then eval it. Press Cmd/Ctrl+Enter while the cursor is over a top-level block of code.

    lighttable amazon

    Now that we have a place to send our code, let’s open a.

  • Use the url bar at the bottom to open your page (note: this can be a file:// url to open an html file locally, or it can be something on the internet/localhost).
  • Type “brows” and press enter when the Browser: add browser tab command is highlighted.
  • In the view menu click the commands item.
  • In order to evaluate Javascript, HTML, or CSS, we need a browser to see the result in.
  • Wait for the client to connect (this can take a bit the first time).
  • Press Cmd/Ctrl+Enter to evaluate a form.
  • If you have some Clojure code in a file already, you can get going with inline eval by: To open a file, use the Open file menu item in the File menu or press cmd/ctrl-shift-o You can read more about how we use it HERE.To create a new file, use the New file menu item in the File menu or press cmd/ctrl-n Q: What are those clear printed pages that you use?Ī: We print some light table activities on transparency paper. In our experience, it doesn’t hurt their eyes at all. It doesn’t make you squint or leave bright spots on your eyes when you’re done playing with it. Q: Is it bright? Does it hurt the children’s eyes?Ī: This table gives off a lovely soft, LED glow. Q: Do you have to turn the room lights off to use it?Ī: No, it works perfectly with the lights on, even when there is a ton of natural light. The size is 24″ square, and it’s available from Constructive Playthings. Q: Which light table is that in the pictures?Ī: It’s a Whitney Brothers brand.

    Lighttable amazon