
Summer islands westeros forum
Summer islands westeros forum

North of Great Moraq are the Jade Gates and Qarth, while south of the great isle are the Cinnamon Straits. The eastern Summer Sea ends at the isle of Great Moraq, near which are Vahar and Lesser Moraq. Also on the southern coast are the ruins of Vaes Orvik and Qarkash. Įast of Ghiscar is the red waste, with Port Yhos and Qarth being found on the Summer Sea.

summer islands westeros forum

Continuing east along the Summer Sea is Old Ghis in Ghiscar, and then New Ghis and Ghaen are separated from the mainland by the Ghiscari Strait. Įast of the peninsula is the Isle of Cedars, with Slaver's Bay to the north and the Gulf of Grief at the south. East of the Orange Shore is the mouth of the Rhoyne with the ruins of Sarhoy and the city of Volantis, and then further east are the Smoking Sea and the ruined Valyrian peninsula. The island city of Lys is found in the Summer Sea south of the Disputed Lands. EssosĮast of Westeros and north of Sothoryos is the continent of Essos. The ruins of Zamettar are located at the mouth of the Zamoyos, and the ruins of Gorosh are also found in northern Sothoryos. South of the Basilisk Isles is the continent of Sothoryos, with Basilisk Point and Wyvern Point. Explorers from the Summer Isles may have charted the southern sea, but they are protective of their findings. It is unknown how far south the western Summer Sea extends.

summer islands westeros forum

South of Westeros and the Stepstones are the Summer Isles, east of which are Naath and the Basilisk Isles. Just east of Dorne, the Summer Sea is separated from the narrow sea to the north by the island chain known as the Stepstones. ĭuring autumn, fierce storms arise in the warm Summer Sea and head north to the narrow sea and the stormlands.

summer islands westeros forum

Dornish rivers flowing into the Summer Sea include the Torentine, the Brimstone, and the Greenblood. Places along the southern coast of Dorne include Starfall, Salt Shore, Lemonwood, Sunspear, and the Water Gardens. The Arbor and the Redwyne Straits are found off the southwestern coast of Westeros, between the Summer and Sunset Seas. The Summer Sea stretches eastward from Westeros around the southern coast of Essos and the northern coast of Sothoryos. No mention of this has been made in the books, though it does call to mind the Ephesian Artemis statues of Ancient Greece.The Summer Sea is located between Westeros, Essos, and Sothoryos. Most serve in the temples for no more than one year, but the most skilled and beautiful remain as honored priests and priestesses in the art of lovemaking (which they literally consider to be an art, as respectful as music, dance, or sculpture).Īccording to Varys's aforementioned quote, a fertility goddess with sixteen teats is worshiped in the Summer Isles. All Summer Islanders are expected to spend some time in the temples of love that dot the island, sharing their bodies with any who might desire them. They believe that when male and female join together in sex, they give honor to the gods who made them. The World of Ice & Fire sourcebook (2014) explained that the Summer Islanders honor over a score (twenty) of gods both great and small, though the highest reverence is given to the god and goddess of love, beauty, and fertility.

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The Summer Islander religion has not been described in full detail. Funerals are not somber occasions mourning the dead but celebrations of the lives they led, with wine and lovemaking.

summer islands westeros forum

Prostitution is considered a very respectable profession in the Summer Islands, even practiced by highborn islanders (who do not financially need to do it, but perhaps as some form of temple-prostitution). Although specific details about the Summer Islander religion have not been revealed, it is said that they consider sex to be an outright "holy" act, and therefore nothing to be ashamed of. Summer Islanders believe sex to be a gift from the gods for humanity to enjoy, regarding it as a joyous and life-affirming act. In the A Song of Ice and Fire novels, Summer Islander culture is very much what might be called " sex-positive" in real life. One of the deities they worship is a fertility goddess with sixteen teats. The Summer Islands religion considers sex to be a holy and life-affirming act. Why are all the gods such vicious cunts? Where is the god of tits and wine?" Varys: " In the Summer Isles, they worship a fertility goddess with sixteen teats." Tyrion Lannister: " We should sail there immediately." - Tyrion and Varys Tyrion Lannister: " The Lord of Light wants his enemies burned.

Summer islands westeros forum